Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category
Bruce Lee and Quotes for Leadership in Business
Posted on October 17th, 2016I can’t believe that we may already experiencing a generation who does not know who Bruce Lee is. I guess I might be dating myself and all my other brethren and sistren in their mid to late 30’s..LOL. Bruce Lee was my childhood hero, I knew every movie that he […]
Boa’s Website gets a facelift
Posted on August 24th, 2015After months of planning and communication we have finally gotten a much needed re-fresher for our company website. Please check us out at

BOA’s first Non Profit Donation: Mattel Children’s Hospital
Posted on March 20th, 2015Towards October of last year we at BOA found ourselves searching for the perfect charitable cause for our quarterly donation of 2014. With the holiday season coming up we wanted our contribution to really affect others in a special way. We quickly found that our passion for giving back to […]
Operation Freight Bio: Ron Ilano
Posted on May 21st, 2013Finding myself in the world of freight was not something I ever pictured growing up. I never even thought there was a business there to get in to. I grew up playing with my trucks and trains, the yellow metal Tonka trucks, a lot of them construction trucks, but one […]
Operation Bio: Meredith Siler
Posted on April 23rd, 2013Meredith Siler – Biography My passion in life is connections, whether it is with nature, animals or people I have always been intrigued by giving and receiving positive energy and vibes. I believe in Karma and following my roots. I come from a very loving family who has always brought […]

“Why 3% of Harvard MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% Combined “
Posted on January 22nd, 2013Every year people start with their New Year’s Resolutions. It can be an exciting time. It can be a stressful time, especially when you have been used to that extra Holiday serving of dessert! With that being said we all have hopes of what may come in 2013. They say that […]

Bill Gates 11 Truths post Highschool in Reality
Posted on December 28th, 2012Bill Gates recently gave a Commencement speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure […]
Tough Mudder…comraderie and teambuilding…and just plain cool :)
Posted on February 27th, 2012If you clicked this Post and don’t know what the Tough Mudder is…well it is exactly what Team BOA did yesterday out in Temecula, CA. It is a grueling 12 mile mud run, with 25 military obstacles designed by the British Special Forces. It involved scaling walls, crawling thru barb […]