Trickle down effect of rising fuel and effects in our economy
Posted on October 8th, 2012“How Rising Fuel Prices Impact Everything” Koploy, Michael.”How Rising Fuel Prices Impact Everything”. 08 June 2011. The Utopianis. Many consumers feel the pain at the pump. What many don’t realize is the effect escalating gas prices have on every other aspect of our lives, from transportation to raw material costs. […]
Value and Liability by Pazong Yang
Posted on August 14th, 2012I was asked by multiple clients in the past month ,” Why do you always ask for the value of my shipment? Is it really that important.” The answer is an astounding YES this is extremely important. Asking for the value of a shipment should be as natural as asking […]
Exercising & keeping a healthy Work Routine
Posted on July 16th, 2012By Walter Lopes, Exercising & keeping a healthy Work Routine We all know how much concentration and hard work our jobs require from us nowadays. At BOA we always reference our days as the “Stock Market of Freight”, plenty of adrenaline. Therefore it’s crucial that we take care of our […]
This is what happens when Freight Brokers choose an unqualified carrier
Posted on March 26th, 2012This is an unfortunate story where a broker hires a carrier, who then brokered it to another driver who was unqualified. This particular load resulted in a death of another driver. The settlement went AGAINST the broker for negligently hiring a carrier who was not qualified to move freight. This is […]
Logistics Bridges the Gap
Posted on March 5th, 2012Logistics seems to be a hot word in business now days… “Logistics seems to be a hot word in business now days, “Looking for some good economic news? How about this: hiring for jobs in logistics and the supply chain is taking off. According to Wanted Analytics, over 49,000 supply […]
Tough Mudder…comraderie and teambuilding…and just plain cool :)
Posted on February 27th, 2012If you clicked this Post and don’t know what the Tough Mudder is…well it is exactly what Team BOA did yesterday out in Temecula, CA. It is a grueling 12 mile mud run, with 25 military obstacles designed by the British Special Forces. It involved scaling walls, crawling thru barb […]

Four Responsibilities of a Good Freight Broker
Posted on February 15th, 2012There are a staggering amount of Third Party Logistics and freight brokers in the domestic United States. Last we checked there were over 16,000 freight brokers in the continental U.S. They range from a wide variety of people, from stay-at-home parents working part time, the small broker or brokerage house who […]
I got a feeling…2012
Posted on January 5th, 2012Welcome 2012 A Memorable Year As we finalized 2011, we reflect on the up’s and down’s, but mostly up’s in BOA’s second year of operation. 2011 will be remembered as a fruitful year in BOA’s history. We continue to build a better service model for our customers, a new module […]

Delivering Happiness Through BOA
Posted on December 30th, 2011How does the the billion dollar shoe company Zappos have anything in common with BOA Logistics? I’ll try and tell you with another story… Earlier this year I joined a local crossfit gym here in Los Angeles called Dogtown crossfit. They advised me that the shoes that I needed […]

Holiday Schedule
Posted on December 30th, 2011Happy Holidays, With 2011 coming to an end we will be having a unique holiday schedule. Since Christmas and New Year’s will be on a Sunday this year the following Mondays will be closed for most carriers. Some LTL carriers are closed Friday 12/23 and this will definitely affect your […]